93 170 81 74
The perfect sEnse
APPOINTMENT Visual health test

Our specialties


80% of the information that our brain processes comes to us through the eyes, hence the importance of having good visual health. This requires a good ocular morphology and good functionality of our eyes.

In our optometric center, we have the necessary knowledge and equipment to prevent, detect and solve visual problems.
solve visual problems

Our visual exams

Include the evaluation of

  • Visual acuity
  • Graduation
  • Binocular coordination
  • Approach
  • Three-dimensional vision
  • Convergence and divergence
  • Intraocular Pressure
  • Retinography
  • Ocular structures: eyelashes, lacrimal points, tear film, cornea, and sclerocorneal limbus, conjunctiva, palpebral edge and meibomian glands, sclera, iris, pupil, and lens.
  • Corneal morphology
make an appointment optometry

After the visual evaluation, it can be detected if the patient needs glasses or contact lenses, if he sees double or blurred, if there is strabismus or lazy eye, and if symptoms such as headaches, red eyes, or migraines can be caused by a visual problem.

Your appointment with Optometry


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We will contact you shortly to confirm the day of the visit.
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93 170 81 74

The Perfect Sense, your center of visual health

Congratulations, you are about to take the first step in taking care of your vision. Tell us more about yourself so we can advise you on a possible diagnosis.
At the end, if you wish, we will tell you how to improve your symptoms without obligation.


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We will contact you shortly to confirm the day of the visit.
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