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Our specialties

Dry eye

Dry eye is a multifactorial, symptomatic, and chronic disease of the ocular surface.

It is produced by a lack of tears or by excessive evaporation generally caused by a dysfunction of the Meibomian glands.

From slight discomfort to corneal injuries.

Despite not being a serious disease, it causes discomfort and visual disturbances to people who suffer from it. They can even cause tear film instability, corneal and conjunctival injuries.
From slight discomfort to corneal injuries
Many of the people who suffer from it do not even know it or are not diagnosed

Despite this, we know that it affects 30% of the population and forecasts indicate that it will increase 1% each year.

Who usually gets dry eye syndrome?

Who usually gets dry eye syndrome?

The prevalence increases with age, but affects more women than men. Hormonal changes, the misuse of contact lenses, autoimmune diseases, refractive surgery, and some environmental conditions (such as exposure to air conditioning or prolonged work in front of screens) are some of the factors associated with dry eyes.
The key: the diagnosis

The diagnosis of dry eye is very complex since there is no single test for its detection.

At The Perfect Sense, we have extensive experience and training in this pathology, as well as the latest diagnostic technology.

calculate the tear rupture time
Contact lenses, a risk factor
Contact lenses, a risk factor

Up to 50% of contact lens wearers suffer from dry eyes and this, in turn, is one of the main reasons for abandonment.

Successful contact lens fitting begins with a healthy ocular surface. For this, it is advisable to carry out a prior examination to assess its condition, apply a treatment and thus adapt the contact lens with the most appropriate material and design for each case.

    La máscara de fotobiomodulación es un tratamiento no invasivo, cómodo y eficaz, que mejora las molestias del ojo seco de forma casi inmediata. Gracias a la acción conjunta del calor y de la luz roja, mejora la composición y calidad de la lágrima, consiguiendo que permanezca más tiempo en la superficie del ojo.
    Resultado: Alivio mantenido durante 1 año de los síntomas del ojo seco.
  • Lentes de contacto blandas
    Cuando el ojo seco provoca blefaritis, podemos realizar una limpieza profesional para la higienización de párpados con productos específicos y altamente concentrados de árbol de té y okra. 
    Tras la limpieza, el paciente puede llevarse un kit de menor concentración a casa para realizar limpiezas de mantenimiento.
  • Lentes oftálmicas de desenfoque periférico
    Las lentes de contacto de apoyo escleral son unas lentes de contacto de gran diámetro que actúan como reservorio lagrimal hidratando permanentemente la superficie corneal. Se apoyan en la esclera con lo que resultan muy confortables para el paciente, aliviando la sintomatología del ojo seco.

Your appointment with Dry eye


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The Perfect Sense, your center of visual health

Congratulations, you are about to take the first step in taking care of your vision. Tell us more about yourself so we can advise you on a possible diagnosis.
At the end, if you wish, we will tell you how to improve your symptoms without obligation.


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